Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does Cosmos Hub have a burn address that I can use to destroy inscriptions?

Yep! The most commonly used burn address on Cosmos Hub is Cosmos’ version of the 0x0 address on Ethereum. That address is cosmos1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqnrql8a. Use it at your own risk and assume anything sent there is lost forever. Note however, that this action does not “erase” your inscription from the Cosmos Hub blockchain (no one and nothing can do that). It merely makes it unreachable. In other words, you can rest assured that any inscriptions in that address are not owned by an individual who might transfer or try to sell them… they’re as unreachable as Satoshi’s bitcoin.

Can I use a Ledger or other hardware wallet with Asteroids?

Yes... though it comes with limitations. Ledgers do not support sending the large data objects required to say inscribe a logo or image. All other transactions can be done with a Ledger including trading and transferring inscriptions.

Where can I cancel token listings in the marketplace?

When you list tokens for sale in the marketplace, they essentially exit your wallet. Users must cancel those listings to regain the ability to transfer their tokens. To cancel a listing, navigate to the portfolio page on Then, go to the "token" tab and click on the applicable token. From there, you should see a section title "Your listings." Each listing should have a cancel button beside it.

How can I obtain testnet ATOM?

You can get testnet ATOM in the Cosmos Hub Discord group. When joining the group, be sure to join in the "dev" category in order to get access to a “faucet” channel where you can request free testnet ATOM.

Why does my token show 0% APR on Astroport?

If you're offering token rewards using Astroport's permissionless incentives, that token must have a tradeable pool on Astroport with $5,000+ in liquidity. Once you hit that liquidity threshold, the price of your token in that pool can then be used in Astroport's APR calculations.

How can I see which Cosmos Hub address is associated with a Stargaze, Osmosis, or Neutron address? lets you paste in an address for virtually any Cosmos chain. Then, you can hit "convert" to see the associated Cosmos Hub addresses. It's a powerful tool for generating whitelists or airdrop recipients. If you need to convert a large number of addresses, try There you can add up to 100 addresses at a time (1 address per line).

Is there a way to see all the holders of a particular collection or token on Asteroid Protocol?

Yes. Check out the free Asteroid Protocol API. This page in the docs includes recipes for the most common queries.

Last updated