Deploy, mint, transfer, trade or bridge CFT-20 tokens

Deploy a new CFT-20


  • A nominal amount of $ATOM on Cosmos Hub (ATOM is available on leading exchanges including Binance and Coinbase as well as decentralized exchanges including Astroport)

  • A square token graphic of at least 250x250 pixels, a token name, ticker, supply and mint limits


  1. Visit and connect your Keplr wallet

  2. Click “Create” under “CFT-20 Tokens”

  3. Click “Select file” to add your token icon (up to a maximum of ~550kb)

  4. Enter a name, ticker, supply and mint limit for your inscription

  5. Choose whether you’d like to launch your token immediately or at a future date and time, which you can specify

  6. Click the “Create token” button and approve the transaction in your wallet

  7. That’s it! Your token should soon appear on Simply navigate to CFT-20 Tokens → Browse to find it and the token’s associated minting page

Mint a pre-existing CFT-20


  • A nominal amount of $ATOM on Cosmos Hub (ATOM is available on leading exchanges including Binance and Coinbase as well as decentralized exchanges including Astroport)


  1. Visit and connect your Keplr wallet

  2. Click “Browse” under “CFT-20 Tokens”

  3. Click on your desired token (note that the mint percentage must be <100%. Once a token hits 100%, it is minted out and unavailable for additional minting)

  4. Click the “Mint Now” button, and you’ll be prompted to approve your mint transaction. This will mint the maximum amount of tokens that can be minted in a single transaction.

  5. That’s it! Your token should soon arrive in your wallet where it can viewed by connecting at

Transfer a CFT-20


  • A Leap or Keplr wallet with preexisting CFT-20 tokens in it

  • A nominal amount of $ATOM on Cosmos Hub (ATOM is available on leading exchanges including Binance and Coinbase as well as decentralized exchanges including Astroport)


  1. Visit and connect your Keplr wallet

  2. Click “Wallet”

  3. Click on the token you’d like to transfer on the Tokens tab

  4. Click “send” and input an amount and receiving address

  5. Click the “send now” button

  6. That’s it! Your token should soon arrive in a new address where it can viewed by connecting at Ideally, Keplr and other Cosmos Hub wallets will one day support CFT-20 tokens, so users will be able to view and transfer them directly from their wallets

Trade a CFT-20

Users can swap bridged CFT-20s on Astroport (search for cft here to find liquid tokens on Neutron). Alternatively, users can swap directly on Cosmos Hub via the token marketplace as described below.


  • A nominal amount of $ATOM on Cosmos Hub (ATOM is available on leading exchanges including Binance and Coinbase as well as decentralized exchanges including Astroport)


  1. Visit the token marketplace and connect your wallet

  2. Search for the token you’d like to trade and click "trade"

  3. Choose your desired lot size and execute your transaction. Note that the unique architecture of inscriptions means you must complete two on-chain transactions to purchase a listing. The first transaction is a "reserve" transaction, which signals your intent to purchase the tokens. Once you've successfully reserved the tokens you'd like to purchase, you can complete the transaction by sending the full purchase amount.

Marketplace fees

For inscriptions to reach their full potential, they must be fast, cheap and easy to swap. They also need to be eligible for smart contract interactions. That’s why we’re so excited to collaborate on Asteroids with devs from the Astroport Foundation.

If inscriptions (and inscribed tokens in particular) are to become a mainstay in crypto, Astroport must be at the vanguard of that change to remain relevant. That’s why we’ve built out an off-chain, orderbook-style marketplace for swapping inscribed tokens from Day 1.

Online at, listing and delisting fees are set at 0%. All marketplace trades feature a 2% swap fee, which is IBC’d to Terra and deposited in Astroport’s $xASTRO staking pool with each transaction. This is NOT a fee for Asteroid Protocol, but merely a fee for using the marketplace at Since Asteroids are open source, anyone is welcome to create their own OTC marketplace for Asteroids where they can set their own fees.

The marketplace fee at is intended to ensure that Astroport contributors remain incentivized to further develop the Asteroid Protocol and should preclude the need to request funding from the Hub at a later date.

If we’re correct, and inscription-based tokens prove to be more than a passing fad, inscription-based swapping will likely become common on DeFi DEXes. By dedicating a portion of marketplace fees to Astroport, we can incentivize protocol contributors to stay on the leading edge of inscription development.

To that end, we’ve also sketched out plans to build a custom bridge that would enable inscribed tokens to flow freely from the Hub to an IBC-enabled smart contract chain and back again. All bridged tokens would be minted as token factory tokens, which could then be deployed in Astroport liquidity pools. Note, however, that this functionality is currently hypothetical, and there is no guarantee that it will be enabled.

Last updated