Command line tool


  1. Make sure you have Node.js installed

  2. Install Asteroid Protocol CLI from

    npm i @asteroid-protocol/sdk
  3. Setup account - create asteroid.json file and update account1 mnemonic to your account

        "accounts": {
            "account1": {
                "mnemonic": ""

Inscribe multiple inscriptions

Create multiple standalone inscriptions or add multiple inscriptions to a collection, see example of the required csv format and folder structure here

  1. Create folder

  2. Add metadata.csv and images

  3. Run command inscribe-csv command in the folder

    Standalone inscriptions command:

    npx asteroid inscription inscribe-csv -p ./metadata.csv --account account1 --network mainnet

Collection inscriptions:

npx asteroid inscription inscribe-csv -c $collectionHash -p ./metadata.csv --account account1 --network mainnet

Last updated