Join the Asteroid community

Creating artwork or tokens is just the first step of a creator journey on Asteroid Protocol. Consider doing any or all of the following to connect with the broader community:

  1. Join Asteroid Protocol's community group on Telegram

  2. Join the Asteroid Creator's group on Telegram

  3. If you're a dev or interesting in experimental functionality on Asteroid Protocol, join the Asteroid Devs group on Telegram

  4. Create your own X account to share your artwork/token with the world (feel free to DM the Asteroid Protocol account to get added to the Asteroid Protocol Creators List and Creators group chat on X)

  5. Collaborate with other Asteroid Protocol creators to offer giveaways or contests

  6. If you've created a token on Asteroid Protocol, consider bridging it to Astroport where you can create a liquidity pool and even offer rewards for LPs in that pool

Last updated