Enable support for your bridged tokens on Astroport.fi

If you’ve created a brand new token on Asteroid Protocol and bridged it over to Neutron, you’ll need to add your token to Astroport’s "token list" in Github so it displays appropriately in the Astroport.fi interface. If you do not follow these steps, your token name will be preceded by a long contract address, which makes it difficult to trade. When you add your token to Astroport's token list, Astroport.fi will pull in the name and image for your token.

To add your token, follow these steps:

  1. Visit Astroport’s token list page in Github: https://github.com/astroport-fi/astroport-token-lists

  2. Login or create a Github account

  3. On Astroport’s token list page, click the “Fork” button to duplicate the Astroport token list. This forked repository will contain all of the images and data for all of the token’s supported by Astroport.fi.

  4. Now that you have a forked repository, click on the “img” folder . 👇

  5. Once you are in the img folder, click the “Add file” button and upload your token’s logo. Note that the maximum size is 350x350 pixels. Please use the following format for naming your image file: TOKENNAMEcft.png. For example, if your token is called HIPPO, name the image file HIPPOcft.png before uploading it. 👇

  6. Once your image file is uploaded, return to the main token list folder, and click on the folder title “tokenLists.” 👇

  7. Within the tokenLists folder, click on the Neutron.json file. 👇

  8. Now, you’re viewing the complete list of all tokens supported by Astroport.fi. Click the pencil image in the top right to edit the file. 👇

  9. Copy a pre-existing token’s information (everything that appears between two commas), and paste it into the file. Then, replace the copied information with the information that’s relevant to your token. For example, here’s the information for the ROIDS token:

    "protocol": "Asteroids",
    "symbol": "ROIDS.cft20",
    "token": "factory/neutron1d59rkwmkt6f46aeyra6zfk6ghehlsqc2qevw96c6x4xfmyk4qxhsjh8ajn/ROIDS",
    "icon": "/img/ROIDScft.png",
    "decimals": 6

Imagine you’re adding a new token called “Hippo.” You would update the Token List file to include the following code:

    "protocol": "Hippo",
    "symbol": "HIPPO.cft20",
    "token": "factory/neutron1d59rkwmkt6f46aeyra6zfk6ghehlsqc2qevw96c6x4xfmyk4qxhsjh8ajn/HIPPO",
    "icon": "/img/HIPPOcft.png",
    "decimals": 6
  1. Save/commit your changes that you’ve made to the token list file.

  2. Now, return to the main folder and click the “contribute” dropdown. Then, click “Open pull request.” 👇

  3. Add a title for your changes (i.e. “Adding support for HIPPOcft”) and click, “Create pull request.” 👇

  4. The Astroport team will review your changes. If they are accurate, the team will approve or “merge” your changes into the main repository, and your token will be supported on Astroport.fi. Note that it may take 1-2 days for your pull request to get reviewed for potential approval.

Last updated